Arts + Entertainment
Live Performances
Museums + Art Displays
Studios + Sound Stages
TV + Film Production
Theme Parks + Playplaces
Colleges + Universities
K-12 Schools
Solar Energy
Transmission Infrastructure
Wind Energy
Oil + Gas
Senior Care
Outpatient Facilities
Heavy Industrial
Warehouse + Distribution Centers
Industrial Ports + Terminals
Ports + Coastal
Berths, Piers + Wharves
Ferry Landings, Ship Terminals
Floating Structures
Ports + Terminals
Marinas + Breakwaters
Transfer Stations
Public Infrastructure
Bikeways + Trails
Garage + Parking Facilities
Park + Recreational Spaces
Utility Infrastructure
Water + Wastewater
Real Estate Development
Community Facilities
Multifamily Residential
Ports + Terminals
Rail Transportation
Roads + Highways
Ropeway + Linear Infrastructure
Floating Harbor Wetland
Multimodal Processing Plant
416 + 420 Kent Dynamic Highrise
Wittpenn Bridge
Tiffany Crane
LaGuardia Airport Terminal B
NYC Ferry
Orlando Airport LED Displays
A leading full-service engineering firm renowned for our trusted, high quality, and innovative approach to solving complex challenges.


The passion, creativity and determination of our talented staff make McLaren Engineering Group one of the top engineering firms in the country.

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Since founding the firm in his basement in 1977, Mal’s entrepreneurial spirit quickly propelled McLaren Engineering Group to the forefront of the AEC industry. His vision built the foundation which enables us to provide an unparalleled line of quality services and make positive impacts on communities worldwide.

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Jeremy Billig, PE, CEO + President at McLaren Engineering Group

Billig, PE


Jeremy Billig has led a distinguished career at McLaren directing a range of engineering projects while starting and growing the New York City office to over 40 staff. As the firm has expanded, Billig has managed McLaren’s organizational planning efforts, including developing a scalable structure to accommodate growth, supporting the firm’s merger and acquisition (M&A) activity, and overseeing coordination and management of the regional offices.

As an accomplished engineer, Billig has worked across the firm’s 10 markets, ranging from entertainment venues and healthcare facilities to comprehensive structural work and restoration of landmarked buildings.

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Gul Khan - McLaren Engineering Group

Khan, PE, ENV SP

VP + Service Line Leader

Gul Khan has spent his career providing executive management and leadership in engineering, environmental, construction, and disaster response and recovery services in the AEC arena. He has extensive expertise in managing U.S. military mission support programs (in the U.S. and around the world), federal civilian agency contracts, and professional services contracts with states and local agencies.

At McLaren, Khan oversees all aspects of technical services practice areas that include new business pursuits, project delivery, and design center collaboration to provide the highest quality of services to our clients.

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VP of Structural Engineering

David McLaren has over three decades of experience in building structure design. He has directed projects of various sizes, shapes, scopes, and complexities across the country including iconic adaptive reuse, multi-story residential facilities, mixed-use structures, and university housing. His energy and enthusiasm have helped the firm develop a presence in the Mid-Atlantic Region.

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VP of Civil + Geomatics

Dawson Bloom has nearly three decades of engineering expertise and surveying experience. A trusted leader in civil engineering, highway / transportation, site development, urban planning and design, municipal engineering, project management, lighting design, forensic engineering,  strategic planning, and construction management, he has the ability to manage complex multidisciplinary teams of design professionals through all phases of project development.

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VP of Construction Engineering

Jon Skinner is well-known throughout the construction industry as an expert engineer providing specialized services and innovative solutions to assist developers, contractors, fabricators, and erectors from design to completion. From crane engineering services to construction support, his team determines optimal and cost-effective means and methods for building construction, provides the design of temporary support, bracing, and construction sequencing, the conventional design of steel structures and connections, the design of delegated primary and secondary structural elements. and everything in between.

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VP of Bridge, Highway + Rail

Gerard Bartucci has over four decades of experience with structural engineering projects for highway, railroad, utility, and bridges. His technical expertise includes seismic fatigue analysis, retrofit, in-depth inspection, historic structure evaluation, and rehabilitation. He has worked on construction staging for some of the most heavily trafficked bridges, roads, and rail lines in the U.S.

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VP of Entertainment Engineering

William Gorlin is the driving force behind the firm’s industry-leading entertainment division. From Broadway to Macau, he has engineered and overseen thousands of jaw-dropping live-event productions, concerts, and displays. His team is also behind the world’s best show action equipment, stage sets, theatrical rigging, entertainment venue structures, roller coasters, and architectural theming. 

In 2024, Bill was honored with the Backstage Legends and Masters Award for his outstanding contributions to Broadway and entertainment Engineering.

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VP of Marine Engineering

Joe Acosta is an experienced commercial diver experienced in above and underwater inspections, environmental monitoring, and marine construction. His expertise spans industrial and commercial marine terminals, oil terminals, bulk handling facilities, major ports, landfills, piers, ferries, marinas, and waterfront parks. Joe's keen attention to project details and leadership style enhances the overall execution and control of projects, optimizing costs, schedules, and deliverables for maximum impact and success.

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Denisa Moss Heitlager


Business Development Lead

Denisa Moss-Heitlager is an award-winning marketing expert with a vast background in design, content creation, digital strategy, and branding. She incorporates a visionary approach to McLaren’s inbound marketing, business development, and proposals divisions, positioning us in the industry as a leading engineering firm.

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VP + NYC Regional Director

Brendan Kelly is the NYC Regional Vice President with a robust background in civil engineering across the five boroughs. A trusted leader in all areas of civil engineering, his expertise and experience is highlighted by award-winning work on parks and recreation projects, stormwater and utility design, resiliency, and land development. Brendan has the ability to manage complex multidisciplinary teams of design professionals through all phases of project development.

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Assistant VP Structures + Florida Regional Director

Andrew Habel is a structural engineer with expertise in the design and inspection of various structures of every size, shape, scope, and complexity. His experience includes commercial buildings, multi-family residential buildings, entertainment structures, and marine structures. He is a proactive, ambitious leader, well-versed in all phases of the design process.

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Georgia Regional Director

Brian Moody has over two decades of engineering and diving experience. He is a specialized leader in underwater condition assessments, structural designs, and construction inspection services. He has worked on all types of moveable and stationary structures including bridges, water taxi landings, piers, fender systems, anchorage systems, roadways, buildings, and foundations.

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Assistant VP Geomatics

Assistant VP Bridge, Highway + Rail

Assistant VP Entertainment

Assistant VP Marine

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What Our
People Are Up To

Expert Insight
People News
A dimly lit empty parking garage
Brooklyn and Manhattan Parking Garage Inspections: Deadlines and Compliance Guidance
Brooklyn, NY
Brooklyn and Manhattan Parking Garage Inspections: Deadlines and Compliance Guidance
MARKETS: Garage + Parking Facilities | Public Infrastructure


McLaren at The Moles 2025 Awards Dinner
The Moles 2025 Awards Dinner
New York, NY
The Moles 2025 Awards Dinner


An immersive LED lighting installation at LDI 2024
Exploring the Future of Live Entertainment at LDI 2024
Las Vegas, NV
Exploring the Future of Live Entertainment at LDI 2024
MARKETS: Arts, Entertainment + Exhibits


Speakers presenting at Infraday East 2024
Insights from Infraday East
New York, NY
Insights from Infraday East


McLaren team members at the NYBC Industry Gala with colleagues and leaders in the AEC industry.
Celebrating Innovation at the Industry Recognition Gala
New York, NY
Celebrating Innovation at the Industry Recognition Gala
MARKETS: Real Estate Development


Stephanie Richmond and Brian Riggs smiling and posing with other industry professionals at the ULI Baltimore Holiday networking party.
McLaren Attends ULI Baltimore Holiday Party
Baltimore, MD
McLaren Attends ULI Baltimore Holiday Party
MARKETS: Real Estate Development


McLaren Engineering Group Ranked Top 2024 Engineering Firm in Multiple Sectors
McLaren Ranked Top Engineering Firm 2024
McLaren Ranked Top Engineering Firm 2024
MARKETS: Airports | Colleges + Universities | Commercial | Education | Government | Healthcare | Multifamily Residential | Real Estate Development


Graphic stating McLaren was named 2024 Business Partner of the Year by Bergen County
McLaren Engineering Group named by Bergen County Technical Schools as 2024 Business Partner of the Year
McLaren Engineering Group named by Bergen County Technical Schools as 2024 Business Partner of the Year


The IAAPA (International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions) 2024 Expo entrance sign
Expert Entertainment Engineers Attend IAAPA Expo 2024
Orlando, FL
Expert Entertainment Engineers Attend IAAPA Expo 2024
MARKETS: Arts, Entertainment + Exhibits | Theme Parks + Playplaces


A row of EVs parked at charging stations in a port setting
The EPA’s $3 Billion Clean Ports Program and Its Impact on U.S. Maritime Infrastructure
The EPA’s $3 Billion Clean Ports Program and Its Impact on U.S. Maritime Infrastructure
MARKETS: Energy | Industrial Ports + Terminals | Ports, Coastal + Waterfront


Bill Gorlin on the cover of The Inside Magazine
Bill Gorlin Takes the Spotlight as the Cover Star of The Inside Press Magazine
Bill Gorlin Takes the Spotlight as the Cover Star of The Inside Press Magazine
MARKETS: Arts, Entertainment + Exhibits


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